Get Involved
Find all the necessary information about the ways you can play golf at UoN
BUCS Squad
Top 45 Golfers at UoN
Handicap Range:
+6 to 16
Development Squad
Non-Competitive Golf with a focus on Growth and Development
Handicap Range:
16 to 36
Performance Squad
The top 12 Prospects of the BUCS Squad.
Handicap Range +6 to 4
Beginner Sessions
Introduction to the amazing game of golf and its many benefits

BUCS Squad
Our BUCS Squad Hosts the best 45 golfers at the University of Nottingham. All members of the squad are eligible to play in BUCS Matches against other universities from all around the UK.
To join our BUCS Squad, you must complete a successful trial round. Trials happen over 2 days at the start of the academic year. If you miss our trials, we may be willing to setup a trial round for you (depending on your ability).

Being our BUCS Squad provides you with access to:
BUCS Matches - Including Transport and Green Fees
Pre-BUCS Match Range Sessions
Weekly Training Sessions
Access to Buy Club Merchandise
Weekly Socials
Club Events:
Club Tour
And Much More!!!
Performance Squad
The best 12 of our BUCS Squad members are eligible for our performance squad. This sub-squad has a focus on pushing the limits of performance with success in the BUCS Premier South League

In addition to the BUCS Squad standard access, Performance Squad members also have access to (and are expected to make use of):
Strength & Conditioning sessions at the David Ross Sports Village’s High-Performance Zone.
Sessions with the University of Nottingham Sports Injury Clinic, which provides services to prevent injury and assist in rehabilitation.
Sports Psychology Sessions
Nutritionist sessions
Performance Squad Sessions
1-2-1 lessons
Development Squad
Our Development squad provides those who are not yet at BUCS performing level, with the opportunity to continue to play golf throughout the academic year. We aim for our Development members to develop into future UoN Golf talent.

Being a part of the Development squad provides you with access to:
Pre-booked tee times to play with other Development Members
Performance monitoring from BUCS squad Captains to look for improvement and possible promotions
2-4-1 lessons (limit 1 per member)
Select club merchandise and organised events.
Entry into our Development Squad is prioritised for those who attend our trials but were unsuccessful in selection for our BUCS Squad

Beginner Sessions
Our Beginner Sessions sees groups of students complete a golfing crash course at Beeston Fields with head professional Antony Ryder.
You will learn the basics of golf to a level where you are confident to head out onto the golf course and even join our development squad.
Clubs will be provided for these sessions so there is no need for you to have your own.
Keep an eye out on our Instagram page for details on how to get involved