President Jamie McIntosh
Vice-President Jonothan Tait
Treasurer Judd Sundnelson
1's Captain Tom Morris (not the actual Tom Morris)
1's Vice-Captain Will McDermott
2's Captain Avi Chhatwal
3's Captain Sam Richards
General Sec. Sophie Brooke
Welfare Sec. Teigue Barrow
Social Media Sec. Joe Curliss
Social Sec. Joe Putland
Social Sec. Will Edson
Alumni Sec. Charlie Chilcott
2021/2022 - Traditions
The first (relatively) normal year since the start of the pandemic saw us aiming to build back better.​
The re-introduction of events such as the BUCS Matches, Full In-person socials, Club Championships and the infamous Christmas Curry, will see NUGC become great again.
The strive for greater performance took great leaps forward with new gear from sponsorship partner NetWorldSports and the purchase of 3 Garmin R10 launch monitors.
After a successful first year, the social squad was established again under the new name of the Development Squad. We also introduced our Beginner/Just Play sessions to help introduce many more people to the game of golf.
Our new 1st major of the year, the Captains' Cup, was introduced to help keep all of our players sharp and motivated. It is to be played annually at the start of December, before the Christmas Break.
President James Paton
Vice-President Reece Coleman
Treasurer Ollie Carter
1's Captain Tom Sproull
1's Vice-Captain Tom James
2's Captain Harvey Lloyd Williams
3's Captain Freddie Martin
General Sec. Sophie Brooke
Welfare Sec. Jamie McIntosh
Social Media Sec. Mairi Weir
Social Sec. Alex Gadd
Social Sec. Will Edson

2020/2021 - The Year of Covid
When the global pandemic brought the 2019/2020 academic year to an abrupt end, no one could have predicted what the next 12 months would hold. With the golf courses closed for large parts of the year and limits on social gatherings, we were forced to think out of the box. An interclub league was established and socials took place over Zoom.
This year saw the introduction of the Social Squad (Now called Development Squad) and plans were put in place to start up Beginner Sessions.​
President Oscar Holden
Vice-President Alex Holding
Treasurer Reece Coleman
1's Captain Pete Walker
2's Captain Aidan Sinclair
3's Captain Jonny Tait
General Sec. James Paton
Welfare Sec. Matt Padgett
Social Sec. Will Dunstan
Social Sec. Alex Gadd
2019/2020 - A Star Was Born
President Pete Walker
Vice-President Tim Lane
Treasurer Dan gates
1's Captain Josh Wright
2's Captain Alex Major
3's Captain James Paton
Social Sec. Alex Major
Social Sec. Tom Wolstenholme

NUGC Alumni?
Help us build this page with your experiences with NUGC. We want this page to show the history of NUGC going back as far as we can gather information.
We are interested in; Where the club was playing, who was involved, awards and achievements, funny stories, etc.
Get in contact with us through:
Email: Golf@uonsu.com